Organizational Swarm Intelligence

Organizational Swarm Intelligence
IEM Paradigm as mankind’s first meaningful step toward artificial intelligence.

Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

(Matthew 7:15-16)

1. The essence of intelligence is the ability to model reality.
Deep intelligence builds powerful models that provide reliable predictions.

The deeper the intelligence, the more factors the model ("the image of the world in the mind's eye") can handle, and the predictions become more accurate and powerful.

The old sayings about "half a brain" describe the primitive intellectual modeling of predecesors in the genus "homo".

2. The IEM System implements a real-time cybernetic model of an enterprise at an arbitrary granularity, this is more similar to "strong AI" (which, principally, is not accessible using electronic computers) than the dead-end of "neural nets", which imitate fragments of physical brain structures.

But intelligence is more than just the brain; the brain is just the biological vehicle. What are the chances of recreating Counter-Strike by copying pieces of Silicon processors?

The biological brain is responsible for "pattern recognition" — just like "neural nets".
Information, which enters the brain through the interfaces of our sense (sight, touch, hearing, etc...), is "recognized" by neural networks in the brain and associated with abstractions (Plato's "world of ideas"). This is manipulated using intelligence.

Acoustic waves, felt using the ear drum, are recognized by the appropriate brain structure as a subject's ("Wife's", "dog's", "girl's") voice and not, for example, the sound of water.
Then the intellect decides how to respond appropriately.

3. If this is how the brain functions, then science knows nothing about the nature of intelligence and the physical processes of abstract thought (which is our intellectual life).

This is why the hubris of fools (and more often, scam artists) promising to create something, of which they have not the slightest idea, is so comical.

In the opinion of Roger Penrose (who we associate with), the secret of intelligence is directly related to the very foundations of the Universe. And it's discovery (if at all possible) will turn our entire understanding about the world upside down.

4. The IEM System is part of a business logic, which like intelligence, operates exclusively with abstractions. It doesn't need a foundational "neural net" to input data since standardizing business processes (the IEM imperative of order) provides transparent information, guaranteed to be reliable without any cleaning.

However, "neural nets" can be used with an IEM System. For example, recognizing the faces of people entering a store and associating them with a concrete type, "Customer", by comparing their face to photographs in a database in the IEM System.

By using a digital interface, the "neural net" can alert the IEM System that John Smith entered the store (and this is where the "neural net's" function completes), and then the IEM System decides how to react to John Smith's entrance using internal business logic.

The mere fact that homosapiens' inteligence interacts with the surronding world using such overly-complex, unreliable and inefficient (using 20% of an organism's energy) systems such as neural pathways in the brain, is absolute proof that man was not the product of an inteligent creator.
Because we have been given a mind, instead of a "pattern recognition" version of John Smith in an analogous "neural net", it is best to give him a customer loyalty card with an identifying radiochip. 

For practical, every-day problems, there is almost always a more affordable and more reliable solution than artifical "neural nets".

5. The difference between today's "strong AI" and today's IEM System, is the same as the difference between a single cell prokaryote and homsapiens. 

Just some four billion years of evolution.

The aggregate of IEM programmable conditional reflexes, which lay down the rules by which the system responds to changes in the state of the ambient environment, shape the technology groundwork for the emergence and development of Organizational Swarm Intelligence (OSI) as a standalone emergent IEM epiphenomenon in the course of augmentation of the level of detail of the organization IEM model.

In this context, the methods of organization IEM modelling boil down to representing the enterprise as an integral albeit complexly structured object whose internal processes are an extension of external processes and vice versa, which are separated by the continuous smooth membrane of the outer surface of the IEM sphere.


At the same time (in alternative embodiments), this sphere is also the perimeter of the IEM System and the organizational threshold of manageability beyond which company management is unable to influence the logic of distribution of material assets (company employees vs. external buyers and suppliers).

Its physical equivalent would be the event horizon in a black hole.

6. To forestall potential speculation, it is worth outlining the science-based limits of evolution of Organizational Swarm Intelligence: until the invention of viable quantum computers based on hardware components of silicon microprocessors; meanwhile, within a standalone IEM System, the future prospects are limited to the achievement of the intellectual level of reptiles.

P.S. This, however, does not rule out the emergence of curious and hard-to-predict emergent second-tier epiphenomena as local IEM Systems become aggregated into a real-time connected network of the Internet of Systems, where separate fragments of OSI will blend with the single Noosphere logical continuum on the global scale, whose distributed intelligence will make millions of interrelated decisions per second with a cost-efficiency that is presently unthinkable.

June 05, 2017